Project Location
Clermont, Lake County
28.55714475, -81.77216372Project Timeline
Duration: Completed
Project Contacts
Infrastructure Types
Project Summary
The Victory Pointe Stormwater Treatment Area (West Lake Wetlands) project combined several elements into a utility stormwater pond serving western downtown and freeing up lakefront land for park development. In addition, the area was constructed as a park space that includes a filter marsh to polish the storm runoff before it reaches Lake Minneola.
The project removes pollutants before it reaches the sewer system with bioretention swales and after with a retention pond and filter marsh. This treatment process is estimated to reduce the anticipated pollutant loading in the West Lake Basin by almost 65%. The project includes eight Low Impact Development (LID) bioretention swales for the existing streets adjacent to the West Lake Wetlands project area. The swales run through downtown from West Avenue to 7th Street along Osceola Street.
The “green” street includes stormwater planters, on street parking, upgraded street tree planting, a 5-foot sidewalk on the north side of the street and a 12-foot multipurpose path on the south side of the street. The swales were designed to reduce the amount of nitrogen by 11 lbs. and phosphorus by 4 lbs. annually. Once treated by the swales, the water enters the basin sewer system that drains into the West Lake retention area and then flows through a filter marsh into Lake Minneola.
Elements such as baffles and skimmers retain debris, oils and other pollutants. Once in the retention area, water then flows through a filter marsh undergoing further treatment before entering Lake Minneola. The marsh included installation of aquatic trees and a littoral planting zone. The estimated reduction in phosphorus is 47.7 lbs. per year.

Project Goals
Waterbodies impacted: Lake Minneola and West Lake Basin
The project is located within the Upper Ocklawaha River Basin and will directly impact the adopted Basin Management Action Plan (BMAP) adopted in June 2014. A TMDL for Mercury has been established for the lake. The proposed project will utilize the West Lake Basin to improve the quality of water flowing into an impaired waterbody, Lake Minneola. The lake has established MFL’s that will be positively impacted by the project. This West Lake drainage basin includes approximately 50.41 acres of area and flows into Lake Minneola, which is designated an Outstanding Florida Water (OFW).
Community Improvement
The “green” street includes stormwater planters, on street parking, upgraded street tree planting, a 5-foot sidewalk on the north side of the street and a 12-foot multipurpose path on the south side of the street.
Site Conditions
These Green Streets are locations that combine low-impact stormwater drainage techniques with improved pedestrian streetscapes. A strong component of project and the City’s Stormwater Management Master Plan is to utilize these types of Green Streets along specific roadway corridors to reduce the need to install expensive stormwater infrastructure and lose valuable developable space within the downtown and waterfront areas.
Project Maintenance
Annual cost: $14,500
Project Cost & Funding
Total Project Cost: $3,192,370
Total Construction Cost: $2,850,330.20
Lake County Water Authority Grant: $500,000
Land and Water Conservation Fund: $200,000
Recreational Trails Program: $200,000
Community Engagement
As part of the Downtown & Waterfront Master Plan the project was discussed at several public meetings. These visioning sessions allowed residents and stakeholders to view conceptual designs, speak with consultants and City staff and ultimately build support for implementation of the plan. Public outreach during this process also included providing information to the community through City’s website, newsletters and local press. The project has been featured in multiple articles in newspapers across the region.
In March 2015 the City Council voted 5-0 to approve the Master Plan. In December 2015 through an RFP process, the City selected a design to begin design and permitting of the West Lake Wetlands projects. Government support for the project has continued through the design process as two public input meetings were held in March and April to discuss the project and grant applications being submitted for funding. In addition the City’s Planning and Zoning voted to support the project and apply for various grant programs on March 15, 2016.