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Water Resource Funding in Florida
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Summary: A list of various funding sources in Florida for water-related projects, including State Revolving Funds (SRF), Clean Water Act section 319(h) Grant, State Water-quality Assistance Grant (SWAG), Springs Restoration Funding, Office of Resilience and Coastal Protection grants, Community Development Block Grant (CDGB), U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), and others. With descriptions/information for each funding source type.
Sources: Florida Department of Environmental Protection


Federal 319(h) Grant

Source: Florida Department of Environmental Protection
Summary: Fund GSI construction, monitoring and education with the goal to reduce nonpoint source pollution from land use activities.
Eligibility: Statewide
Proposal deadline: Proposals may be submitted anytime throughout the year. Department review and evaluation periods are expected as needed, at least once per year.
Funding amounts: vary
Contact: Connie Becker 850-245-2945

State Water Quality Assistance Grant (SWAG)

Source: Florida Department of Environmental Protection
Summary: Fund GSI construction with the goal to reduce nonpoint source pollution from land use activities.
Eligibility: Statewide
Proposal deadline: Proposals may be submitted anytime throughout the year. Department review and evaluation periods are expected to occur in September/October and March/April of each year, or as needed. If your project is not selected within the current state fiscal year, the proposal will need to be resubmitted for evaluation.
Funding amounts: vary
Contact: Connie Becker 850-245-2945

Springs Restoration Grant

Source: Florida Department of Environmental Protection
Summary: Funding for land acquisition and capital projects that protect the quality and/or quantity of water from springs. Project proposals are initially submitted to the corresponding jurisdictional Water Management District for review.
Eligibility: Springsheds, Areas benefitting springs
Proposal deadline: Late fall to early winter; varies by Water Management District
Funding amounts: vary
Contact: Michael Barr 850-245-2947

Resilient Florida Grants

Source: Florida Department of Environmental Protection
Summary: The Resilient Florida Program includes a selection of grants that are available to counties, municipalities, water management districts, flood control districts and regional resilience entities. To effectively address the impacts of flooding and sea level rise that the state faces, eligible applicants may receive funding assistance to analyze and plan for vulnerabilities, as well as implement projects for adaptation and mitigation. 
Eligibility: Please refer to section 380.093, F.S., for more information on the eligible project and grant types and the requirements to apply.
Proposal deadline: Applications submitted for funding consideration require a comprehensive evaluation to ensure that funds are allocated timely and appropriately and pursuant to Florida Statute. Additional funding awards will be provided when it becomes available.
Funding amounts: vary
Contact: Contact with any questions.

SWFWMD Cooperative Funding Initiative

Source: Southwest Florida Water Management District
Summary: Fund GSI design and construction through a program that allows local governments and private entities to share costs for projects that assist in creating sustainable water resources, provide flood protection and enhance conservation efforts.
Eligibility: Regional
Proposal deadline: First Friday of October
Funding amounts: vary with matching requirements
Contact: Rita Harrod 352-796-7211


Clean Water SRF Loan Program

Source: Florida Department of Environmental Protection
Summary: Can fund GSI design, construction and monitoring through low-interest loans for planning, designing and constructing water pollution control facilities under Chapter 62-503, F.A.C.
Eligibility: Statewide
Proposal deadline: Submission throughout the year
Funding amounts: vary
Contact: Traci Klepper 850-245-2834